Minggu, 11 September 2011

Causes Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite usually experienced by the sick. Loss of appetite but not exclusively because of illness can also be due to side effects of some medications, including eating disorders because they want to raise or lower the weight.
Yet the appetite is needed to meet energy needs and nutrients that are needed by the body. But certain conditions sometimes make a person lose his appetite.
Appetite is a complex regulatory system, which is intended to meet the energy and nutrients the body needs. Many factors are involved in creating and maintaining appetite for ideal body weight.
Appetite can be a problem of excess appetite (hyperphagia) and lack of appetite (anorexia) that led to the rise and rapid weight loss.
Loss of appetite aka anorexia sometimes the term is often used to denote an eating disorder. Anorexia is a decrease in desire, sensation or the stimulus to eat.
This can be caused by the symptoms of the disease, disorder or condition that may require medical attention which prevents the exhaust system of the body.
That can not be separated from the problem of loss of appetite is the digestive system.As reported by the Healthblurbs on Monday (5/10/2010), some digestive problems that cause loss of appetite, namely:
UlcerGastritisDiverticulitis (inflammation or infection of one or more diverticula in the digestive tract)Crohn's DiseaseIrritable bowel syndromeUlcerative colitis (sores or inflammation of the colon)
Infection can also cause people do not hunger and loss of appetite. infections that cause loss nafus can eat an acute illness or chronic diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi, among others:
InfluenzaMumpsSyphilisPneumoniaChickenpoxLaryngitisYellow feverHIV / AIDSEnteric feverIntestinal worms (due to hookworm)Food poisoning (E. coli enteritis)Coxsackie disease
Or even be caused by diseases that are severe enough, such as:
CirrhosisHepatitisLymphomaHeart failureLiver diseaseAppendicitisRenal failureAddison PanyakitRheumatoid arthritisChronic renal failureCancers (lung, liver, kidney, ovary, cervix, stomach, and pancreas)
Loss of appetite is also caused by side effects of some drugs such as cocaine, morphine, antibiotics, amphetamines, methamphetamine, chemotherapy drugs, cough and nasal congestion (decongestants).
Some psychological conditions, diet and lifestyle are also relevant factors which cause loss of appetite, namely:
StressDepressionAnemiaAlcoholMigraine (headaches)Vitamn B12 deficiencyPregnancy (first trimester)
If you have lost your appetite for a long time or a few days, consider taking a multivitamin, to ensure the body remains healthy.

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