Minggu, 11 September 2011

Naked Feet Running Healthier and Faster

It seems you do not have to waste a lot of money to buy expensive running shoes, since a study proving run barefoot is healthier and safer.
Researchers at Glasgow University, Scotland, found that runners who did not use the alias barefoot shoes tend to run based on the toes or the middle of the foot. While the runners are using running shoes resting on the heel.
As reported by the GeniusBeauty, Friday (5/7/2010), the results showed that those who are barefoot when running more secure, reducing the risk of knee and ankle injuries.
Researchers said the arch of the foot barefoot man to be strong and serves as a great shock absorber. But in the 70's since the first runners using shoes, people also began to use slippers or shoes when running.
It is estimated that the runners using shoes stomping her heels into the ground about 1000 times per mile. Heel stomp is tantamount to 'hit the heel with a hammer', that sustain 1.5 to 3 times the weight.
While the barefoot runners use a different technique that is softer, which is a smooth sliding steps.
The experts encouraged to switch to the old habits, namely running barefoot. By then it could run barefoot gradual and subtle, because it ran in this way involves the muscles that are different than the run using the shoes.
Another study conducted by researchers in the United States and has been published in the journal Nature also shows that the barefoot runners can reduce body weight when running.
"People who do not wear shoes when running has the extraordinary step," said Daniel Lieberman, a researcher from Harvard University, as reported by DailyTech.
It is important to run a long race, which explains why the performance of runners who do not use the shoes are so amazing.This is evident in the legendary marathon runner, Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia origin, which can win the gold medal in the Olympic Marathon 50 years ago without footwear.

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